Summer Ready
Top tips for getting your skin and hair summer ready!
After being stuck indoors during lockdown and the winter months, its likely that as restrictions are lifted our beaches, parks and holiday resorts will be packed full of people all enjoying some much needed summer time fun. If you are wanting to really show off your best and feel summer fabulous then here are some recommended tips and products to use to get you ready.
The first step in getting your skin summer ready is to exfoliate. We recommend using natural exfoliating products to leave your skin looking young and fresh. Its a good idea to exfoliate at least twice a week in the run up to summer and even better to do so on your face and body.
We have a variety of exfoliating products in the salon to choose from, Spongelle body buffers with infused aromas are quick and easy to use in the shower. Alternatively we have Aveda body polishes and exfoliating products such as Beautifying polish, Rosemary & Mint Body polish and Cherry Almond body scrub.
In the salon we also offer a body polish treatment in our Spa that will leave your skin feeling absolutely amazing.
After exfoliating, your skin is much more receptive to moisturiser. This is why exfoliating is so important as it helps to really hydrate your skin, especially during the summer months. Use a body oil or cream, which ever you prefer and allow this to really soak into your skin, we recommend applying in the morning and evening.
Aveda has a range of body oils and moisturisers in a variety of aromas, such as Stress fix, Rosemary & Mint, Shampure and the popular Cherry Almond.
Consider your Hair
Humidity, heat and the sea are all things you’ll have to contend with during the summer months. Use a hair mask regularly to keep your locks hydrated and strong. We recommend using one at least once a week, for example the new Aveda Botanical Repair masks or try using a leave in treatment that will also help to protect your hair on a daily basis. Use a hair sun protection spray on those summer beach days and a clarifying shampoo to reduce the build up of sea salt and chlorine.
Our best sellers are from Aveda’s Sun Care range which include a SPF spray, hair mask and cleanser shampoo.
Stay Protected
Its very important to keep your skin and hair protected. Why not purchase a wide-brimmed hat to keep your hair and face covered. Make sure you are using sun protection that is suited to your skin type. We recommend purchasing separate products for the face and body. Environ RAD or Aveda SPF face creams are our best sellers for the face and won’t impact on your daily face care routine. Also using make-up that contains SPF to add to your procreation.
Fabulous Hands & Feet
Treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure. Get your sandals on and show those summer toes off with soft pastel tones or neon colours. We all love that feeling of looking down and seeing some polish on those toes again after being covered up for months. Match your colour vibe on your fingers or choose a complimentary colour or design to really feel pampered and ready to summer party. We offer luxury treatments in the salon for a real treat and also Geleration polish that will last just that little bit longer.
Why not call our reception team for any help or advise and keep a look out for our Aveda Summer Sets. We hope you enjoy your summer 🙂